The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.
Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.
Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.
What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than six million copies in print.
The Secret reveals the natural law that is governing all lives. By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect of your life.
This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness. This is the secret to life.
Selasa, 28 April 2009
Diposting oleh Ferdiansyah di 20.58 0 komentar
Rabu, 22 April 2009
Verse Riff
This riff should be fingerpicked. You'll also want to use your thumb to fret all of the notes on the low E string.
Diposting oleh Ferdiansyah di 19.01 0 komentar
Senin, 06 April 2009
Hot Wakeboard Product Picks
Every season we get a huge amount of new gear in the shop. Some of the stuff we can’t understand why our buyers thought the stuff was good at Expo but we have it and we have to sell it. After we get it all in and check it all out we have a contest in the shop to see who can pick the products that will be the best sellers of the season. Here are a few from my list…and keep in mind.. I have won the shop contest 2 years in a row..For 2009 I have a feeling that this new vest from LF is going to be a best seller. The vest has a great look and fit. Not sure where LF is getting this vest made but it looks like the Billabong and O’neil comp vests. I pick this as the best selling LF vest of the season.
Last season I lost ground to one of our employees because I thought that nobody would want the Scarface(Prom Night) vest.. Well she mopped the floor with me on that item. That Prom night vest sold like crazy. I’m jumping on the fashion statement vest this season and picking the Risky Business.
Soven has killed it on the PS3 for seasons. Owning the tour on a PS3 and getting a new board after coming off another huge season means the S4 will be one of the best selling boards in the LF line this year. I picked the S4 138 to be a big seller for LF this year. I am already off to a good start.
2009 Liquid Force Soven Wakeboard
Packages always sell great but for some reason white and clean looking packages are always my pick. I am going with my go to package again this season. I’m going to go with the CWB Pure wakeboard package for a second season in a row and I know the Pure will not let me down.
Diposting oleh Ferdiansyah di 22.24 0 komentar
Minggu, 05 April 2009
Limited racing Kawasaki 750 SXi Pro standup jet ski!
My Kawasaki 750 SXi Pro standup jet ski came with all type of racing modifications already applied to it by the previous owners. Back then I didn't knew, or wasn't concern, about the different riding style available. Later on, I did learn that there also are freestyle, standup jet skis, that worked great for doing tricks. I saw a few of them doing back flips at the World Finals in Havasu, and really like it. I should be happy with my SXi Pro, at least for a while, it will allow me to become good at riding a hard to ride standup. I was told by a very reliable source that, once I mastered the SXi, I should be able to ride anything at top speed very easy!
When modifying a jet ski for racing you go a different way than when going for freestyle. In freestyle, for example, you are looking to get air bound easier, so, the shorter the back of the hull, the better it's. It's quite the opposite for jet ski racing where you want the ski to get a grab of the water at all time. For this reason some jet ski racers will install the hull extensions at the rear of the jet ski. They are designed to push the jet ski nose down for a better pump hook-up in rough water conditions. Mine has the hull extensions and sponsons, or tubbies as they are also called, for that purpose too!
Diposting oleh Ferdiansyah di 22.12 0 komentar
Hal ini adalah pertama kalinya di dunia lampu listrik di pakai di jalan-jalan. Pada tahun 1890, ia mendirikan perusahaan General Electric.
waktu muda Edison dipandang sebagai salah seorang pencipta paling produktif pada masanya, memegang rekor 1.093 paten atas namanya.
Thomas Alva Edison (11 Februari 1847 - 18 Oktober 1931) adalah penemu dan pengusaha yang mengembangkan banyak peralatan penting.Si Penyihir Menlo Park ini merupakan salah seorang penemu pertama yang menerapkan prinsip produksi massal pada proses penemuan.Ia lahir di Milan, Ohio, Amerika Serikat.
Pada masa kecilnya di Amerika Serikat,Edison selalu mendapat nilai buruk di sekolahnya. Oleh karena itu ibunya memberhentikannya dari sekolah dan mengajar sendiri di rumah. Di rumah dengan leluasa Edison kecil dapat membaca buku-buku ilmiah dewasa dan mulai mengadakan berbagai percobaan ilmiah sendiri.
Pada Usia 12 tahun ia mulai bekerja sebagai penjual koran, buah-buahan dan gula-gula di kereta api.
Kemudian ia menjadi operator telegraf, Ia pindah dari satu kota ke kota lain.
Di New York ia diminta untuk menjadi kepala mesin telegraf yang penting.
Mesin-mesin itu mengirimkan berita bisnis ke seluruh perusahaan terkemuka di New York.
Pada tahun 1870 ia menemukan mesin telegraf yang lebih baik.
Mesin-mesinnya dapat mencetak pesan-pesan di atas pita kertas yang panjang.
Uang yang dihasilkan dari penemuannya itu cukup untuk mendirikan perusahaan sendiri.
Pada tahun 1874 ia pindah ke Menlo Park, New Jersey. Disana ia membuat sebuah bengkel ilmiah yang besar dan yang pertama di dunia.
Setelah itu ia banyak melakukan penemuan-penemuan yang penting. Pada tahun 1877 ia menemukan Gramofon.
Dalam tahun 1879 ia berhasil menemukan lampu listrik kemudia ia juga menemukan proyektor untuk film-film kecil.
Tahun 1882 ia memasang lampu-lampu listrik di jalan-jalan dan rumah-rumah sejauh satu kilometer di kota New York.
Ia juga banyak membantu dalam bidang pertahanan pemerintahan Amerika Serikat.
Beberapa penelitiannya antara lain : mendeteksi pesawat terbang, menghancurkan periskop dengan senjata mesin, mendeteksi kapal selam, menghentikan torpedo dengan jaring, menaikkan kekuatan torpedo, kapal kamuflase, dan masih banyak lagi.
Ia meninggal pada usianya yang ke-84, pada hari ulang tahun penemuannya yang terkenal, bola lampu modern.
Yang dapat kita petik adalah bagaimana memperbaiki diri dari ketika kita masih diberikan kesempatan untuk berkarya dan berbuat sesuatu untuk diri kita sendiri
khussnya tanpa menyerah pada keaadaan masa lalu walaupun bisa dibilang dulunya tak berprestasi ataupun lambat dalam menerima pengetahuan!tapi janganlah putus asa
buktikan bahwa kita mampu berkarya dan menciptakan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi diri kita terlebih lagi bagi orang lain.............!
Diposting oleh Ferdiansyah di 22.04 0 komentar